dissabte, 10 de març del 2018

Ethiopia's rubbish landslide kills many in Addis Ababa

Thirty-five people have been killed in a landslide at a vast rubbish dump on the outskirts of Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa. They plan to burn rubbish generated by the capital's estimated four million people and convert it into electricity. They say dozens of people are still missing since the landslide on Saturday night at the Koshe landfill. A resident said 150 people were there at the time. Tons of waste cover the houses of the people of Ethiopia.
Grieving residents gather near the Koshe landfill in Addis Ababa. Photo: 12 March 2017

In these countries only misfortunes happen and they do not deserve this. I think it's not normal to do this that they have done since many people have died and there are also missing.


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