dissabte, 11 de març del 2017


It's past a year...
Just a year ago we went to Italy, I would like to go back so much... we had a great time, we were a very nice group and we laughed a lot! At first I was lazy to leave but then I didn't want to go back.
We woke up very early to go to Barcelona and we take the plane, it was fun to go all together in the plane. First we visited Pisa and Siena. The next day we spent it all in Florence, I think it was one of the things I liked the most. The third day we went to Lucca which was also very nice but I didn't have much fun. The fourth day we were in Rome and we visited the Vatican and the center of Rome. The next day we went to see the coliseum and other things in Rome. And the last day we stayed in Rome and returned by ferry. On the ferry we all had a great time since there were other institutes and we went to a mini disco, we didn't sleep much that day.
And then we arrived in Barcelona and took a bus to return.
What I liked most was rome without a doubt, especially the fountain of trevi at night, It was beautiful and I remember that a boy asked his partner to marry him.
It would be great to go back, but everything is in the memories and we remain more trips together.

Resultat d'imatges de pisa

Resultat d'imatges de rome

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dimecres, 8 de març del 2017


I love Stabucks! I love the food and the coffee, specially the caramel frappuccino which is my favourite. As here where I live there isn't Starbucks so when I fancy one I do it at home and it's super easy to do. The taste is like the real Starbucks coffee.

2 cups of ice
175ml of milk
175ml coffee
3 spoons of sugar
2 spoons of caramel

Put it all at the blender. Put caramel in the glass, then put the mixture and to finally puy cream on and more caramel. And ready to eat!! It's delicious!

divendres, 3 de març del 2017


Summer is coming, I really want to come I'm tired of studying and doing so many exams. Apart they always put us all during the same weeks and I don't stop studying. I know I have to work hard so I can have a good summer without having to recover any subject.
I love summer because it's a very good time, I go to the beach, anyway i prefer the pool, I also go by bike, I stay with the friends and in general I have much more time to do things and have a good time.
Sometimes I like to watch movies at night and go to bed late, and I also like getting up late but then I think I missed the day and I feel terrible! Sometimes I like to sleep, but I prefer to get up early and do things like go biking, go for a walk or run along the beach and many other things.

Resultat d'imatges de verano