diumenge, 28 de maig del 2017


My favourite desert is without a dubt my mum's cheesecake. I taste anothers cheesecakes but anyone smells and tastes like my mother's. Is too much delicious but a little bit sugary. Isn't the typical cheesecake with the cookie under it.
This delicious cheesecake is made with the following ingredients:

- 4eggs                                                      
- 2sliced bread                                          
- 2tub philadelphia                
- 9spoons of sygar                                    
- 1iogurt


Put it all in a bowl and mixed all. We preheat theoven to 180 and put the cake for 40-45 minutes. When it's been 2 minutes we watch the cake is not burnt. And finally we put the cake in the fridge for 2 hours.

Resultat d'imatges de cheesecake

divendres, 26 de maig del 2017


Nowadays our society is addicted to technology, concretely to mobile phones. Phones are so useful because you can search everything you want and also you can talk with people around the world. However, we have a strong addiction to it. People need to put on the web all their things about their life. So, of course, most of people are too dependent on their mobiles. Even there are detoxication centers for people who can't live without it. 
To be honest, I know that we can live without a phone because at the end we born without it.

Resultat d'imatges de iphone 7 plus

dimecres, 24 de maig del 2017


Blue Whale suicide game is an online game. In the game, the participants are ordered that perform different challenges to go beyond the phases of the game (which there are fifty phases, fifty days) with tests ranging from watching horror films all day long to staying awake for several days. These challenges are increasing the level of difficulty. Some of the most difficult challenges are self-harming and drawing a whale by cutting her skin with a knife. And the last one, that is the hardest one, participants are urged to win the game by committing suicide. While over 100 teen suicides have reportedly been linked to the game.

Resultat d'imatges de EL JUEGO DE LA BALLENA AZUL



I think i do this to a little children is to be very crazy person. 

dissabte, 13 de maig del 2017


Most people, when they go party, they drink alcohol, among other things, to have a good time. They say the alcohol makes them forget the problems and help them to have a good time. Actually I think there’s nothing wrong about drinking a bit of alcohol if you like it and you want to do it. I think the problem is that people abuse of it and drink too much. And the most of people does it so that whatched him drink and show off. 

As everybody knows drinking too much is not good, not only for your health, but also because if you drink too much you will feel bad: you’ll have head ache, stomach ache, you can throw up and forget parts of what you did.

As I said before, if you drink a bit because it makes you feel happier and enjoy more the night go ahead and do it. But don’t exceed your limit because a part from the fact that you will have a horrible night (and the day after) your friends will have a bad time too worrying and taking care of you. 

dilluns, 1 de maig del 2017


This year, in February 2017, there has been found another continent. It has been found by a research team of the University of the Witwatersrand, in South Africa. This new continent is located under the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean. La pena es que hay sólo quedan pequeñas partes de él. Un informe reciente de la naturaleza Comunicación dice que estas partes que dejaron pertenecían a Gondwana, un continente gigante que existió hace 200 millones de años. La separación de este antiguo continente causó dio lugar a África, América del Sur, Australia, India y la Antártida. Ahora, hay algunas piezas de este “nuevo” continente repartidas en el Océano Índico, pero hay bajo el mar.

Resultat d'imatges de 'Continente perdido' encontrado en la Isla Mauricio en el Océano Índico


I think that the fact of having found a new continent is very interesting and courious.